Thursday, May 18, 2006

Pakistani scientist rejects money, UK nationality: Man of Year award verdict today -DAWN - National; 12 February, 2004

Pakistani scientist rejects money, UK nationality: Man of Year award verdict today -DAWN - National; 12 February, 2004

Pakistani scientist rejects money, UK nationality: Man of Year award verdict today
By Ashraf Mumtaz
LAHORE, Feb 11: Prof Dr Aurangzeb Hafi, a Pakistani scientist contesting for the prestigious international title "Man of the Year 2003 in Interdisciplinary Sciences" has rejected the "unofficial" offer that he accept British citizenship to be a winner. He also turned down the offer of two million pounds sterling (or Rs210 million) for providing the original manuscript of his magnetosectorial model, on the basis of which he has joined the race, saying the invention was a trust of his country which he would not like to barter for personal gains. The offer was made by the London-based International Scientific Council on Tuesday, only hours before the jury -- the council itself -- was due to sit in judgment on who should be decorated. Dr Hafi was told that he should approach the British High Commission in Islamabad and get nationality within half an hour. However, the contestant for the award rejected the bait on the plea that he is a Pakistani and would like to win or lose the race in the same capacity. The International Scientific Council is reluctant to honour a Pakistani, arguing that Islamabad is not a member of the Commonwealth. A Pakistani citizen, Jalil Khurshid, moved the relevant authorities in London on Tuesday and got the verdict stayed for two days. Jalil reportedly said that the reservations expressed by the jury could be answered legally and thus he should be given time to prepare the case. The request was granted and now the name of the winner would be announced on Thursday (today). Dr Hafi made a breakthrough in the modern scientific research by developing the magneto sectorial model for the first time in the world. His research would vivid far-looking and long lasting effects on agriculture, environmental and medical sciences, space biology, magnetohydrodynamics and multi-disciplinary sciences Dr Aurangzeb Hafi is one of the six scientists shortlisted out of 1,376 from 900 universities in 60 countries by the International Scientific Council, headquartered in Britain. The shortlisted contestants in addition to Prof Dr Hafi are; Prof Dr J.A. Walker, Dr I.J. Richards (UK), Prof Dr Okada (Japan), Dr J.F. Larson (Denmark) and Dr S. Nevelli (India). Dr Hafi thinks that scientific research should not be judged on the basis of political considerations and inventors should be encouraged irrespective of their nationality

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hafi's CV is available at the following website. Please take a look and judge for yourself whether he is a complete fraud or not.